The more Sara, the better!

Daily dribble about life, pets, coupons and of course NKOTB!

They’re going down!

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that our building has a cockroach problem.

This morning I grabbed a box of Cocoa Krispies for breakfast and a CR was clinging to the outside bottom of it. So I squished him.

I opened the box and another came out.

I threw the krispies, screamed, and promptly left the kitchen.

I’ve had enough. The cats don’t even bother to kill them anymore.

So I went online, found some coupons, and headed to target and bought these.

Today will consist of unfucking the kitchen and placing baits and gel.

Tomorrow we’re going to caulk all seams in the kitchen.
Monday ill be sending my receipts to the leasing company to get reimbursed.


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