The more Sara, the better!

Daily dribble about life, pets, coupons and of course NKOTB!

What’s a day off?

Most people get to relax on Labor Day weekend right? Well I guess I kind of did. I worked only 8 hours instead of 18 for Purina. It was an optional weekend being a holiday and all, so I figured I might as well work SOME so that I’m not completely broke once payday comes around.

So I had Sunday off, the first full day off of school and work that Ive had I think since I got back from Vegas in July.. so my plan was to unfuck the house as much as I could. So I cleaned up the cat box corner, threw out the non-working automatic litter box, took out the parts they requested to send me a replacement cuz it was still under warranty, vacuumed and cleaned the carpet, cleaned some of the kitchen, did some laundry, cleaned off the top of Abbie’s kennel.. thats about as far as I got.. before i lost steam.

This morning I felt like I did stuff.. oh i did a lil more laundry, still yet to be put away though, cleaned out the vacuum filters, they were gross..

My goal is to get the couch cleaned off, theres enough room for me to sit on it, but not the dogs or the cats easily.. which is frustrating to all of us.. sigh

Then I had to go work a few hours tonight at ulta it was super dead most of the night and we couldn’t really do anything productive since all the stuff we needed was behind the construction wall, pipes, electrical wires, concrete etc.. so we left 45 minutes early, works for me!

Side note, my skin is breaking out like crazy and I know its because I went off my bc like, a month or 2 ago… and i’ve gained weight.. who gains weight after getting OFF bc?!? how’s that make any sense?!?!! heysoos, BUT, I don’t feel as crazy anymore and waaaay less emotional, crying on the spot, and no mood swings, woohoo.

Id love to get back to pachanga or the gym, but, those both cost money and require free time. Neither of which I have right now.

School is taking up 18 credit hours a week, including internship twice a week, and working about 7 days a week. So I’m glad I at least had yesterday off to get a few things done.

Well Ive got one more separate post to make then Ive gotta head to bed since Ive gotta fight rush hour traffic tomorrow…

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Nothing to see here

*yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn* I am exhausted. The week prior to shark week always drags me down, I dunno why. I eat EVERYTHING in my sight, and then sleep the day away. Literally. I came home from internship, ate some thai food, was thumbing through my phone, then literally leaned to the right towards a pillow and fell asleep immediately. WHO DOES THAT??? narcoleptic much?!

Ive had wed/thurs night off of work this week, but I didnt get anything done.. like laundry, which needs to be done, and litter box.

The snow is finally starting to melt away. wish it would be a bit faster, I want to wash the new car already! It’s supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow so maybe that’ll happen.

I was talking to a friend at school who lost a buttload of weight, using slimgenics, but that shit costs like $700!!+++ more thats insane. I really want and need to work out, but I just dont have extra time right now which sucks. I wanna look decent for my birthday/vegas trip.

My face broke out really bad this week, partially my fault for not washing my makeup off every night, being such a slacker. Maybe tonight ill do a quick mask… or maybe ill just go to bed lol.

Crap i started this almost an hour ago and forgot about it, might as well post it now I can’t think of anything else to write LOL.

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Yes, I have no heart

I really find it hard to have compassion for the people in Somalia. I know they lack any sort of government, and don’t immunize anyone, but when you have upwards of 6,7,8,9, children to one mother… WHAT.THE.FUCK. really?

Your country is obviously overpopulated no wonder you don’t have any food, water, or basic necessities like shelter. Stop literally fucking each other and you’ll curb your population/starvation/death problems.

Then again there’s always natural selection. If you’re not strong enough to survive nature will take you out.

If other countries want to help, I say give all the men vasectomies and the women implanted birth control.  Get your country under control then you can have your reproductive rights back.

Oh, and definitely send some bug repellent, all those flies are gross.

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Where to start…

I wasn’t feelin too great this AM so I called in to work… went back to sleep w/crazy dreams off and on the whole time, one being that Josh convinced me to join the Army and we got shipped to Afghanistan where my friend Tom is currently stationed. VERY WEIRD. But when we got there everyone slept out in the open like a huge sleepover…

I got up around 11 and moved to the couch to watch tv and I’ve been camped out here the rest of the day…. However around 130 or so I get a call from work, and its my manager, she asks how I’m feeling, and that proceeds to say that “a letter” would be delivered to me today… and verified my address etc etc… no time frame no info no nothing… So then I sit here for hours wondering wtf the letter is going to say…

Around 4 I think the agency trainer showed up and dropped it off for me. Of course I’m thinking worst case scenario i’m getting fired. Anyone would jump to that conclusion right? Thinking oh they packed up all my stuff and are bringing it to me with my last check or something along those lines…

So I open the letter and it says that I’m being suspended for 3 days effective today, and to return to work on Friday. Mind you it doesn’t say whether it’s paid or unpaid… which am I to assume it is? If it was unpaid then it’d be more of a punishment thing.. if its paid, well then it’s just like a mini vacation.

At least I get to stay up late if I want to and sleep in tomorrow and Thursday. I assume I won’t be charged a sick day for today since had I been well enough to go in I would have been sent home anyways…

Whatevers. Ya know? I know I do my job well and if someone thinks I should have given them more eye contact during our transaction, well then they can go to an ophthalmologist for the attention they require. I’m there to renew your plates or issue you a title.

I think if it’s nice out tomorrow I may take Ellie and JuJu out to Surrey Ridge to burn off some energy and get out and play. Maybe I’ll do some laundry and unpack or put away these final boxes I have.

I watched disc 1 of season 1 of Hung today, pretty good. It wouldn’t play on my DVD player though, just the previews but never to the menu… so I had to watch it on my ‘puter.. Speaking of I got an email today saying that my AC adapter shipped. Can’t wait for that.

Tonights episode of Life, Unexpected was really cute. Lux’s teacher/love interest is so adorable.. even though its forbidden it’s still fun!

I feel like i’ve drank too many liquids today.. ginger ale… then 2 malibu and ginger ale’s… and just now 2 glasses of orange juice, the last of it, I need more! I probably really need water…. maybe when I head to bed I’ll have some…

so lets wrap it up with a love and loathe:


  • hearing the roofers on the other buildings early in the morning
  • the 2 baskets of laundry I’ve some how accumulated in the last week or so
  • being stuck inside on a perfectly nice day out in November, that never happens in Colorado.
  • My boobs hurt really bad on the sides..
  • I keep getting cramps in my left hand, on the top left of my left hand.. at random times.
  • Knowing that after this i somehow have to be on my best behavior at work. \=


  • Having the next 2 days off of work.
  • My 2nd cruise payment went through yesterday YAY I’m halfway there!
  • After tomorrow all the political BS should be decreased rapidly. No more ads in my mailbox or on tv and no more bogus phone calls, still not sure how they got my cell #


Just got a message from Sean on FB, first I’ve heard from him since he left, says he’s in the Philippines?!?! Wtf?! oy vey, more on that later if I get any info outta him…


Goodbye Weekend

Ahhhhh I feel like I've finally gotten stuff accomplished.
See my stack of boxes!

I didnt wake up till about 10:30 today so I had a late-ish start… but the kitchen is all packed aside from food. (and being cleaned)

The bathroom is empty except for stuff I need to get ready. (and being cleaned)

And I took all my extra clothes and miscellaneous stuff over to the new place.

I need to clear off the coffee table, most of it is crap and will be thrown away or is paperwork that needs to be sorted through. And get my printer/computer stuff organized and boxed up. For some reason i have like 12 pairs of shoes underneath my coffee table. I dunno why. LoL.

I won $10 gift card at Bingo Saturday night go me! and the *mad chatter* as we now call him was there and was annoying as FUCK. and was trying SO HARD to get in my pants. If he'd just shut up he may have had a chance. Corrine saved my ass though, as we were leaving she was like "Do you work in the AM??" i was like YES!! AT MACYS!!! (i didnt but it worked in my favor). I'm hoping he gets the clue soon and goes away. He started texting me yesterday again just blah blah blah

Yes that is the song for right now. Blah Blah Blah!!

I met another new guy Sunday, lets just say, he was cuter in his picture, with a hat on, without his sunglasses. He asked if he could take me out for drinks sometime, so I said sure why not. Ill give him a second chance as well.

Why am I so nice to complete strangers outside of work? LoL Makes no sense, I know.

Stephy was supposed to be scheduled to be induced tomorrow, but now they said "lets just wait till he's ready". Oy Vey! Stressful!!

I shoulda gone to Josh's tonight to start painting my bedroom, but, the Egyptian came over instead, much better choice! He was in Cali this weekend with his family/gf lol… soon as he gets back he calls me.. what gives LOL. Hey whatever, works for me! I got what I needed! Which means Ill probably have to go paint weds night, thats my only free night this week, unless I do it after I leave macy's at 9 oy vey.

I really wanna see "How to train your dragon" looks sooooo cute!

Getting up early tomorrow is gonna suck after sleeping in the last 4 days… I'd wake up early for some reason, and then pass back out till 9 or 10, was very nice!!

Man, it's 11 already.. I'm tired, yet theres stuff to do. The mt dew & malibu an hour ago prolly didnt help too much… oh well.

Proud of myself I havent talked to NC since the other day, trust me I've been very tempted. I dont know how long it will last. I'd hope that HE WOULD TEXT ME or something. Damn. Oh, and I saw her facebook, she's not *that* cute.. *shrugs*. lol i'm not stalking I swear.

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