The more Sara, the better!

Daily dribble about life, pets, coupons and of course NKOTB!

Nothing to see here

*yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn* I amĀ exhausted. The week prior to shark week always drags me down, I dunno why. I eat EVERYTHING in my sight, and then sleep the day away. Literally. I came home from internship, ate some thai food, was thumbing through my phone, then literally leaned to the right towards a pillow and fell asleep immediately. WHO DOES THAT??? narcoleptic much?!

Ive had wed/thurs night off of work this week, but I didnt get anything done.. like laundry, which needs to be done, and litter box.

The snow is finally starting to melt away. wish it would be a bit faster, I want to wash the new car already! It’s supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow so maybe that’ll happen.

I was talking to a friend at school who lost a buttload of weight, using slimgenics, but that shit costs like $700!!+++ more thats insane. I really want and need to work out, but I just dont have extra time right now which sucks. I wanna look decent for my birthday/vegas trip.

My face broke out really bad this week, partially my fault for not washing my makeup off every night, being such a slacker. Maybe tonight ill do a quick mask… or maybe ill just go to bed lol.

Crap i started this almost an hour ago and forgot about it, might as well post it now I can’t think of anything else to write LOL.

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Sleepless Black Friday

Sorry I’ve been mia lately. But I’m here now so that’s what matters right?

I had to work at 11 pm on Thanksgiving, until 6 am today. It was pretty ridiculous. About 10-15 minutes before we opened at midnight a line started to form and we had about 25 people all at once. Our first hour stayed steady, then it died off the rest of the time. I think we did just under 3 grand in 6 hours. To me, not really worth it. Other stores that were close to malls or shopping centers opened at 8 pm and they did about 12 grand in a few hours.

I was flip flopping on whether or not to go shopping when i got off, so i figured i would since i was full of red bull anyways. I stopped by JCP to check on their boots, but it was packed full of messicans and all their kids. I couldn’t deal with it.

I left there and went to Walmart which was surprisingly empty of customers, found what i wanted, magic mike on DVD for $8!

I made a call to the Coach store to see if they still had ridiculous lines and they said not at all… So i found my self driving about 20 minutes south to the factory outlets.. I really just wanted to try and find a wallet.. But they had a whole wall of clearance items… They were 50% off the already marked down price… Then another 30% off that, and finally if you checked out before 9 am, they gave another 10%!

So i managed a purse, a wallet, and a slim card/id holder, for about $210… Which is LESS than the original cost of the bag itself! I think i saved over $450! Isn’t that insane?!


That’s my new favorite (dangerous) store! And its not that i didn’t love the one he gave me, but its that he got me hooked on it, and I needed more!

After that i stopped by kohls and picked up 2 new pillows, i had a 15% off coupon and a $10 promo. So $12 for 2 extra firm pillows, hopefully they last longer than the cheapy ones i got last year.

Oh i also ordered a couple things online from lane Bryant since it was all 50% off!

Tomorrow I’m making MY turkey and goodies since we went to his moms house on Thursday. I didn’t bother bringing home leftovers then, but all I’ve wanted since is turkey! Lol
We somehow managed to both wear purple to dinner, totally unplanned.


Got a good photo of the guys..


And can’t forget Hercules!


Its 10:15 now and imma try and get some sleep cuz I’ve had like 4 hours since 7 am Thursday.. i think the dogs are happy I’ll be home in my own bed tonight..


So tomorrow I’ll be cooking, cleaning, homework and studying. Oh joy. But hey, at least i don’t have to work!

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Sleepy Weekend

My last "mostly free weekend" wasnt spent doing as much as I wanted, mostly because I'm broke.

Friday I stayed in and watched movies and chilled out.. The Proposal, GI Joe and Superbad.

Saturday, I pretty much slept all day long. I was out of soda or anything caffeinated, so I was completely burnt out.
Mike came over and we went to the movies, he paid, lol. I think they lowered prices, it was only $6.50 each to get in to an evening show. Usually its 9 something, so that was nice! He also brought me 2 cokes and a cherry pepsi, what a sweetie!

After that he dropped me off and I had finally heard from ATC after he'd been gone hunting most of the week, so I went over to his place and we watched, Being John Malkovich. Uhhh very weird movie, we were both thoroughly confused through most of it lol. He had to work at 6 but I slept in after he left until 9. I forgot how totally awesomely comfortable his bed is.

I went and saw my 4 month prego Stephy up at her mom's house. She's so cute, I took her the 2 blankets my mom made for her, and she loved 'em! So glad. Told her that I would start getting baby coupons and buyin diapers and stuff for her to be stocked up on, which walgreens is having a sale on right now too!  She finds out in 2 weeks what she's having, so that will help me narrow down boy or girl things! We're all hoping for a girl!

Her mom was setting up their xmas tree and decorations already! Crazy! lol.  Her sister Randee also called while I was there so I got to talk to her on the phone. I'm planning on going out to see her in June for her wedding in Georgia. Hopefully.

After an hour and a half with her, I headed to Cindy's to get my hair done, lightened it again and put some nice golden colors in it. Looks really good. I wanted to get it done before I start at Macy's, which is this Tuesday. Yes I'm starting 3 weeks earlier then they originally said, which is fine with me.  So Tuesday I go from 5-9 for some group training, and then Sat I do 3 hours of training, and then 3 hours on the floor, and then all day sunday Ill be out on the floor and I guess good to go! So I'm looking forward to getting paid weekly, but not so much for being tired. But hopefully I'll manage.

I'm bummed I missed bingo at fridays this weekend, but hopefully next weekend Ill be able to hit it up.
I did get SOME cleaning done around the house, cleaned the kitchen, did a LIL laundry and put new sheets on my bed and cleaned up the bedroom, so I was slightly productive. However I fell asleep watching SNL online, planned for about 20 minutes, but woke up 2.5 hours later.. whoops.. but I still had some energy and managed to go through the paper and get all my coupons and check the ads, so Im ready to hit up some stores soon.

I've gotta get to sleep soon now, hopefully. I'm watching season 2 of Deadliest Catch on netflix, should lull me to bed soon. Finally pulled out my humidifier so maybe in the AM my nose wont be ready to bleed.

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Wrappin it up

It's been a very chill weekend to say the least.

Went to the Singles Safari at the zoo, had I done some things differently would have been a way better experience for me, but lets not get into it. Was still a cool setting.

Saturday I spent sleeping Watched a few shows / movies online but then went back to sleep. Not really sure why but thats what happened. My house is for the most part clean so its not like i was avoiding anything LoL.  Thinking it was also all the caffeine getting out of my system.

I did make some blueberry muffins last night for dinner, and breakfast today, They were super yummy.

I think I may go BY MYSELF to see the Time Travelers Wife during a matinee today. Cant find anyone who wants to see it with me, other than Chan, and well, she's in KC so thats not gonna happen lol. But Ill go, eat a whole thing of popcorn to myself, and cry, because its supposed to be a very sad movie.

I also need to take the crappy liquid glitter eyeliner back to ULTA, as soon as it dries, it starts flaking off. How lame is that? Gimme my $5.99 back!

Contemplating going to the gym sometime today, possibly after the movie.

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Lookin Good

So, I talked to my dad last night they did a biopsy, well, kind of.

They had him go down to have it done and they had like the "live x-ray" kinda ultrasound whatever thingy-mabob going on.. and they said the right lung was completely clear. The left lung, had no tumor in it, was just completely full of fluid.

So they drained a bunch of it for him. The rest he'll just have to continue coughing up. So Yay for that!!

Thanks for all your positives vibes and all that everyone, it sure helped out (=

Lucky him, he's getting a colonoscopy done today to make sure there's no internal bleeding going on because he's been anemic since he went in there and has had 4 pints of blood transfused.

Hopefully today goes well and he can go back home in a few days!

I finally found the library on the way home yesterday and got my Denver library card w00t. And i used it to do things on the computer I needed to do that I can't from work.. like, you know.. check myspace and stuff (=
When I left they had a bunch of the kids outside doing side walk chalk having a blasty blast.

I made some yummmmy spaghetti last night, and some boooomb ass meatballs. I've never really made meat balls before, but I turned to my handy dandy cookbook, and kinda improvised.

I included 4 different colored bell peppers, onion, garlic, lemon juice, bread crumbs, and an egg.
They smelled soooooo delish coming out of the oven and tasted even better. So proud of myself (=

So I brought the rest of it for lunch to share with Emelina today.

I couldn't sleep last night, took forever to just finally fall asleep. And then for no reason woke up around 3am to girls gone wild on TV so I promptly changed it… dunno what to.. but I did.. and then I got a text around 3:15 outta no where from the old NG2 saying he broke up with his girlfriend last week. Told him there was no way in hell i was getting up at 3am to go see him when I had to come to work in a few hours, but maybe, maybe I'll see him this week sometime. He was fun. hehehehe.

I finally fell back to sleep around 4 ish I think. Just ended up turning the tv off and the radio on. I dunno what was up with me last night that sucked!

My boobs feel like they're suffocating in this dress today LOL… really.. can't breathe… ahhh

Dunno if anyones going to stampede tonight.
She hasn't realized it, but I haven't been talking to Chan for quite a few days now. She texts me about once a day some random shit and I don't bother responding. I just need space from her before I snap and go off on her.

Alrighty I better go find a snack I'm starving, and get started on my work. Wooohoooo… and stuff

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QotD: I’d Rather Be…

If you were suddenly granted the day off today, how would you go spend your free time?

SLEEPING. I feel like I haven't gotten enough sleep since I've been home from christmas vacation.

all week i've just wanted to come home and take a nap, but car troubles, people calling, going out has all prevented that.

I would have loved to slept and cuddle all day today

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In the last 2 nights, I've gotten a combined 8 hours of sleep. That is so not cool. I normally require at least 9-10 hours of sleep a night. I'm dying right now. I almost fell asleep driving to work this morning!! So I ate my raspberry danish and bought a mt dew soon after I got here in hopes that it would help, but I don't think it is.

I'm not doing anything tonight after work other than going home and watching a movie and falling asleep. I've actually  started back on Season 1 of my Gilmore Girls DVD's, I should get through those in a couple days!

Stampede was fun last night, for once I got there before everyone else so I got a couple drinks in me. Started talkin to this girl and we were watching this guy 2-step with a whole bunch of girls. He was pretty damn good and we were amazed by his footwork and tooshie shaking!

Chan and I hit up taco bell for her and wendy's for me on the way home yummy. It hit the spot perfectly.

I've also come to the conclusion that sex with anyone else, has not been nor will I think it be as good as it was with Marc. Which is why I think I went so long w/o any, because I knew I'd just be let down. I mean its satisfying.. but just not how it used to be. Ron says I'm not looking for or getting the right guy…? Well fuck I don't know what I want then!

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