The more Sara, the better!

Daily dribble about life, pets, coupons and of course NKOTB!

Wow! Nice!

My mom sent me some $$ so I could pay some bills, one being my Comcast/Cable/Internet. I’m a month behind so I just paid that portion, however I called in and spoke with a super nice girl, asked her if there were any lower priced rate plans I could get on. She said I was on a pretty good deal already, there wasnt anything currently lower available, but she could give me some freebies I LOVE FREEBIES.

So she added 6 months of HBO, Starz, Cinemax and Showtime. Yes, 6 months, 4 channels FREE!!!!!

Thats pretty damn awesome. Thanks Comcast!

Now.. if you’d just re-hire me, all would be well in the world!.

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Brownies and Bikes!

Finally it’s soooo nice in Denver today! It’s supposed to be up in the 90’s later this week, i’m sure ill be bitching then, not about the heat, but about having to use my AC which kicks my power bill up by like 800% because its just the kind in the wall that plugs into an outlet. I still have my swamp cooler on wheels which helps but really only in smaller rooms like the bedroom.

Got a hold of my leasing company today because I’ve been seeing some bugs in my kitchen and then one last night in my bathroom and I freaked out. I wasnt able to kill it cuz it was too fast. But it came from behind the sink cabinet and went back in through a crevice. Makes me think its coming from within the building through the walls/pipes? There was also one INSIDE my dishwasher.. really? WTF. Truthfully I think the people across from me that moved out left these buggers behind, and now that its being remodeled the bugs are moving out as well. Anyways, my leasing company said they’d contact me to send a bug guy out. So I gotta clean up the house a bit and i’ll have to lock the pets in my closet/bedroom depending on how much he’ll need to spray.

Did my final 4 hours of job shadowing this morning, it was a TINY clinic. 1 doctor, 1 exam room, 1 surgical room, 4 techs. Not a lot of space!! But i  saw a ton of cute dogs and puppies and even a ferret! I had forgotten how cute ferrets were, my old roommate had one when I first moved to Denver.

So I came home to get all my paperwork together only to notice a contradiction on some forms… one said all transcripts have to come sealed from that institution TO this college. The other form said the transcripts have to be sealed, enclosed with my paperwork. Arrrgh! So I called the admissions dept and he said it should be okay the way it is… I tried calling the Vet Tech dept lady but she’s “in and out of the office until august” wtf really??? So I just sent the paperwork in and am crossing my fingers its correct. Even took it directly to the post office to make sure it was dated today, since it has to be post marked by tomorrow!

After that I headed to best buy to purchase Jordan Knight’s new album Unfinished. It’s amazingly awesome! There have been previews of it online for the last week, but I didnt sneak any listens in, I wanted to be surprised, and I’m so glad I did. If you want to purchase it yourself, there’s a coupon to get it for $5.99 at Best Buy.
My mom told me today that is doing their yearly house giveaway again and its a house in Denver! w00t! however there’s only 2 days left in the contest, but! you can submit 2x a day. so I did and I will continue to until the 2nd! It also includes a new GMC Terrain and I believe 100k cash. How fuckin sweet would it be to win that?!!?

I made these “No Pudge” Fudge Brownies yesterday, fat free, all natural and surprisingly YUMMY!! Srsly, just add vanilla yogurt and stir. How easy is that, well and then baking, but its 2 steps total!



 OH! I got a FREE Bike yesterday! Thanks to FreeCycle! I figured it wouldnt be very easy because lots of ppl were requesting bikes, so i posted in a city thats a lil further away (and uppity) and got a response the next day! Actually 2 responses but I’d already picked it up. It’s purple and cute! Its a lil scratched up in places but I dont care. Hell I scratched my car getting it out )= sadface! So I walked it down to the gas station, filled up the tires with air, and rode it back! The tires are still full today so yay no leaks! The lady said she had snagged it when someone else was moving out, but she never used it. Works for me! So i can use it to ride around nearby, if I need to make a quick trip somewhere, gas station, supermarket, walgreens, long as I dont need to get a lot of stuff… i kinda want a basket for it LOL… The cats of course had to sniff it and check it out. Ellie always barks at people on bikes. So I dont know if I could successfully take her for a walk/run/ride with it. She’s kind of a spaz.



Ellie got a new duckie today….
She’s lovin it…very protective of it lol



Quack Quack

Finally getting all my ducks in a row.
After 15+ phone calls to veterinary clinics i FINALLY got 1 to call me back. I just need 4 more hours of job shadowing to do. I found the first one easy, no problem, got in that same week.. I dunno why people are so shady on calling me back. So I’m going in Tuesday morning from 8-12. They said they have a dental cleaning scheduled so that’ll be fun to watch, havent seen one in a while. As soon as I leave there I’m going to have to go directly to the post office and mail my application. It has to be postmarked by June 1st. Eeep! Cutting it very close! Sure I should have done this all a month or so ago, but that would defeat my purpose of being a slacker.

Last night at Zumba there was a sub instructor. *gasp* some people turned around and walked right out. I however stayed through 3 songs, but she was really boring, she just wasnt Felix. So I left. *shrugs* I did a half mile on the treadmill after that, then came home and took Ellie to the park to play ball for a few, she enjoyed that.

I assumed since he wasnt there last night, he wouldnt be there this morning either, so I opted for sleeping in. Not that I dont do it every other day already. I may go do some kick boxing tonight, or go to the gym and use my free Personal Training coupon I have..

The last week i’ve been pigging out on every.single.salty.thing. in my house: chips, crackers, pretzels, a whole can of beans, ham etc etc. I dunno WHY?! Normally i get those kinda cravings around shark week but I should not be having shark week for another month or 2. Who knows.

Sent out a bunch of emails/resumes/applications this week, quickly heard back about 2 from one of the hospitals, just general work, but i was declined. i’d rather know right away than dragging it out. I need to call back the temp agency too…

There’s a mountain of laundry in my closet that needs to be tackled as well as a mountain of dishes in my sink. boooooooooo!  I better get on it… after I make some lunch, i’m starving.. hopefully nothing salty.



Anyone know how i get to the directory:


Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

– I can’t find the Plugins Menu… wtf? is it a paid option only??



My Cruise Videos

Here’s a playlist of all my videos from this years cruise. 16 of ’em if you’re counting LOL

Probably my favorite one!

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Love This!

On our last night on the boat, Joe shared the sex of his 3rd baby, due at the end of this month. Sweetest moment ever. This video isn’t mine, but I love it.

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That’s me!!

There’s perks to being a super fan!
When pre-ordering the new NKOTBSB album,
You could add your name to the thank you’s in the liner notes!



Story Time!

I don’t think i mentioned this in previous posts.

On the flight home from Miami, I was towards the front of the plane, cuz when I come home I want to get the eff off the plane asap. Anyways, I was in a middle seat on the left side of the aisle. Across from me was a dad, mom and little boy.

About an hour and a half or 2 hours into the flight, id been dozing in and out of sleep but i was finally totally awoken by the child being very loud and obnoxious… i turned the volume up in my headphones to try and drown him out but it didnt work. The parents werent really doing much, he was flipping through the Spirit magazine.. even though he was obviously not old enough to read…

45 minutes into this i mentioned to the lady sitting to my left “i dont know HOW you can read your book with this child screaming and acting up” and we had a good long convo about shitty parents and how her kids never acted like that, and how my family just sedated me on long trips…

I really couldnt take it any longer and the following ensued:

Me: Excuse me, you guys DO REALIZE you’re not the only ones on this plane right?
Bitchy Blonde Mom: I’m doing EVERYTHING i can, what do you expect he’s 3 years old?
Me: I expect you to keep your child quiet and occupied. There’s plenty of other kids on this flight, however yours is the ONLY one making a disturbance.
BBM: No one else is disturbed by him, JUST YOU.
Me: Oh I GUARANTEE you others are quite annoyed by him, but i’m the only one speaking up about it. You’re not doing ANYTHING about it, i’ve been watching you for an hour. We’re now 3 hours into this flight, I’ve had about enough.
BBM: You OBVIOUSLY don’t have kids.
Me: NO, I don’t. I have a DOG. And she’s at home with a BabySitter.
BBM: Well I dont know what to tell you, i’ve done everything i can.
Me: Well I would think after 3 years you would know how to be a parent to your child and know what needs to be done to keep him under control and quiet in a public setting.

At this point, my neighbor smiled at me, i put my headphones back in and smiled to myself…2 minutes later the parents broke out a DVD player, some snacks, even got the little boy to lay down in her lap………. he was quiet the remainder of the flight, even fell asleep. amazing huh? be a fucking parent to your kid, instead of trying to sleep on the plane and all is quiet..

Once we finally arrived and were trying to get off the plane, the dad stepped back trying to get their carry-on’s from up above, and the mom went out into the aisle and called the little boy. He had just woken up and looked pretty confused… so she walked OFF.THE.PLANE. and left him there bewildered staring at his dad… who finally had to give him a lil push with the bags to get him to walk off. How difficult would it have been for her to pick him up, or hold his hand and walk him off the plane???

Just another reason for me to never have children.


Do you see what I see?

My Dining Table!!!!!!!!!
Lol…its been mia for a while now, but I cleaned it off today cuz I’m expecting guests (=


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